Lydia Johnson Consulting

Week 6- MKMMA 2014 A Method to the Madness

During our MKMMA class today Davene repeated a few times…”there is a method to the madness” so just do it! Sometimes our subconscious minds need a boot , or maybe a reboot, to remind us that every week in this incredible 26 week journey, there are bits and pieces and dots that all connect. It doesn’t always jump out for us right away and the patience we have may not be enough…and then all of a sudden..BAM! Dots connect!

Shakespeare- Madness Method

This evening I received an email revision of a DMP (Definite Major Purpose) from one of the Australians who is in this year’s class…his opening line…”It’s starting to make a lot more sense”…..BAM! The Method to the Madness!! when you take each week’s lesson and layer it onto the previous week’s it can feel like more work, or it can feel like it has connection and a purpose to each week’s new action makes a whole lot more sense. It’s exciting to see these breakthroughs when class members “get it”.

Index cards, coloured shapes, promises, chores turned service, readings, sits and now a compass and a poem…and on our bathroom mirrors? Yeah, all that and more…and all that and more that makes some perfect sense. The journey continues, the layers strengthen the foundation and the work becomes easier and far greater impacts. Thanks Davene for the Madness reminder.

Oh the Places we will go…..
Dr Suess

2 thoughts on “Week 6- MKMMA 2014 A Method to the Madness”

  1. It sure is a method to the madness, and it works. It is getting easier, and I catch myself when i’m trying to give an opinion on something, it’s a process and for me I know that I am a little stubborn and my old blueprint is rearing the ugly head at every turn I’m trying to change, but I will conquer!
    I love the new Scroll 2 of Og, “I will greet this day with love in my heart” I wrote it down on a white board on the fridge, and my daughter loved it!.

    1. Lydia says:

      I am so glad it is coming together for you too Lourdes. It sure was a tug of war for me at first ! Yes Og somehow just gets better all the time! scroll by scroll, you will love him more each month!

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