Lydia Johnson Consulting

Week 15 Setbacks or Setups? MKMMA 2014


New Year’s is always a time of reflection…the year summarized in a tidy list of successes and improvement opportunities. Some years the successes list seems longer and other years the improvement opportunities list wins the race….or is that really true? What if we looked at each ‘setback’ as really a ‘setup’ for something bigger, greater or more a true success that what we had originally planned for? How long would the Successes list be then? The reality is all what we set out to do, and the way we set out to do them, does not always happen as planned. There are setbacks. That is life. Those setbacks turn our direction around sometimes, or make us do something we had not planned , or even considered in many cases. Yet we manage to get by with the new direction, a path on a new journey…maybe heading in the same direction as we thought was to be the best. Sometimes we have to take an entirely new journey. Which was most successful? Was heading down an unplanned path the wrong end result, or did it open us up to many new possibilities? new people? new connections? new heart beats of excitement? setbacks This time last year I was making business plans and goals as I usually do at the start of any year. I knew well the company I represented, the people, the business partners, the culture, and all the many other details in any business. I set my targets and celebrated with many others to welcome the new year and the new goals. Then within only 2 months, disturbing news came to me about some colleagues, making me question everything I had only weeks earlier designed to undertake for the remaining 10 months of 2014. The incident shifted my attention completely and at the very same time something wonderful and new was presented to me to explore…..just like the saying goes…when one door closes….another door opens…or maybe a window, but something else appears. So …as I reflected on 2014, I recalled the setback I encountered early in the year and early in my goal getting weeks. As I often do when reflecting I ask myself, what could I have done  More, Better, Different, Less? I have always liked those 4 ‘buckets’ to put my thoughts in. Then as I reflected on my successes, I knew that particular setback was truly a setup for more, better, different and even less of what I really wanted. Embracing that thought made me grateful for the setback and makes me think I better get better and the opportunity has presented itself for me to do exactly that. The anger, and hurt feelings of early last year have taken a seat much further back as I move forward with even greater confidence and knowing that with every challenge, new vibrant opportunities spring forward. Setbacks??  Nope…just a speed bump along the highway to my dreams! speed bump

4 thoughts on “Week 15 Setbacks or Setups? MKMMA 2014”

  1. Morna Ho says:

    Sometimes the setbacks are exactly what we need to open that new door and I am so happy that your new door is one of excitement, future successes and a closer road to your DMP. Blessings to you, Lyd. xo

    1. Lydia says:

      Thx Morna! Glad to be on a similar journey with you :)

  2. Mary Spicer says:

    Lydia, you have courage and strength, perspective and wisdom and so much to give. May your 2015 be all you dream it to be!

    1. lydia johnson says:

      Thank you Mary. Keeping our perspectives and perceptions of challenges open, allows us to continue toward our dreams.

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